So I've been playing Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for the last few days. Following Alec's recommendation, I started with the Assassin's Guild, since the Thieves' Guild requires that you not kill anyone, so it wouldn't be a good idea to do both of them at the same time. At first, most of the hits were pretty easy to rationalize. For instance, one of them was a murdering drug addict and another was a rapist. However, as they've progressed, they've become more difficult to stomach. Here follows my blow-by-blow (not really) account of my latest assignment:
For this one I was ordered to assassinate an entire family, starting with the mother. I found her outside her house, working her garden. I asked her where I could find her children, and she thought I was the present delivery person, and not only told me where they were, but gave me money. Worse still, after I shot her I went into her house to see if she had anything valuable in there, I found that she had a pet dog. He was apparently named Jake, and stood in the corner facing the place where her dead body was outside, barking and wagging his tail anxiously. Could you make it a little more heartwrenching?

Oh goodie. The next hit is a guard. He seems friendly. I approached him to see if he had anything important to say, and he seemed nonplussed when I didn't say anything (my other choices were something like "you and your family are dead!" and "I'm here for your soul!" I was in clear view of another guard, so those choices seemed unwise).
Aww!! This is horrible! This person lives in a cave with a bunch of animal friends: rats, and more importantly, wolves! After I killed her, I snuck back out of the cave past the wolves and rats. I don't think they would have attacked me, but better safe than sorry. As I passed one of the wolves (I was in the shadows so he couldn't see me) he sat down, wagged his tail, and tilted his head inquisitively. Then he barked in the direction of his mistress. Why do they do these things to me?!
Ak! The last one was a Captain of the Guard. That was annoying. Thank goodness for most people's inability to see into shadows. Also, for the fact that one can just turn up the brightness settings in order to see into shadows.
Pop! (I wonder how many people have read Gödel, Escher, Bach, and of those how many actually would get the whole Push-Pop reference. People to whom I've explained it multiple times don't count. Particularly if they still don't get it the next time I use it. *cough* Alec *cough*
Anyway, I'm posting this now even though I didn't really finish it. Well, if I did finish it it would probably be even longer and more boring, so I guess that's a good thing.