Sunday, April 3, 2011

WonderCon 2011 - Saturday

I'm only going to write as much as I can get in within the time it takes to burn my CDs for tomorrow's drive back to Eureka, so I didn't even bother to bring my notebook with me to the common room while I'm writing this. I'm really tired. For the obvious reasons - getting up at 7:15, wandering around WonderCon all day, and getting back here at ~11:30 pm - but also because I only got about five hours of sleep last night. Why? Because there were not one, not two, but three people in the room snoring so loudly that even wearing earplugs and covering my ears with my hands, I could still hear them. I considered crying, or smothering the people. I even decided that plastic wrap would be an effective means of making them stop.

I debated between going to the panel for Super or the one for Cowboys & Aliens, but decided on Super, because it had Rainn Wilson, while Cowboys & Aliens only had the director/producer Jon Favreau. Before that was a panel on upcoming things in DC comics. After that I spent most of the day wandering around the floor, taking breaks to read Sandman. It's been a Neil Gaiman weekend for me. By the way, despite what says, I will be surprised if he actually comes to the Doctor Who panel tomorrow. I can still hope, though.

In the afternoon I tried to go to a panel about the anthropology of Firefly, but it had been canceled, too late to change it on the program. So instead I went to panel on LGBT characters in comics. Which, incidentally, had one or two people in common with the DC panel I went to this morning.

I wandered a little more, then got in line for the Masquerade. Many of the costumes were pretty damn impressive. I can't imagine how much work must have gone into them. I know how much time and effort went into my costume, and mine is relatively simple.

I'll write a more complete account of the day tomorrow or more likely Monday. What else...? I have concluded that, in the ongoing war between DC and Marvel, DC has come out as the decided victor of the Battle of WonderCon 2011. This is in spite of the fact that Marvel has 3 movies coming out this year (Thor, Captain America and X-Men), DC only has one (Green Lantern). Thor is even coming out before Green Lantern. I guess they're just better at hype. It helps that DC has had some really cool stuff come out in the comic books for the last couple of years.

Ok, I'm not done burning my CDs, but too bad. I'm about to fall asleep in this chair, and it's not even very comfy.

I'll end with this:

In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night,
No evil shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil's might
Beware my power... Green Lantern's might!
Wonder Twins Power activate!

Wait. That's not right....

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