Friday, May 1, 2009

I have no reason to create a blog

"You two, we're at the end of the universe. Okay?! Right at the edge of knowledge itself! And you're busy... blogging!!"
--Tenth Doctor, "Utopia"

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. I've pretty much been against blogging since I first heard about it. Who wants to read about someone else's day? I mean, really? I guess these things can function as a diary, but then why post them online? I might use this as a way of telling everyone about my exciting day when I'm in Senegal next spring, but then I might not have time to maintain it. I might tell everyone anything I want them to know via other means. It seems to me that writing my experiences could be a good idea, but then I might not want other people to know what I'm writing in my diary. We'll see. Or maybe this will merely be a place for me to rave about Doctor Who, so I can leave my friends in peace. Or maybe I'll just forget about this thing and never use it again. Really I'm just creating this now so I can avoid studying for my finals, which isn't very healthy.

Oh. I could explain the title of my blog (ew... "my blog") to my hypothetical readers (I shudder to think that I would ever forget)

"This is my timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at thirty paces. Whether you want to or not, actually. So, I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow."
--Tenth Doctor, "Blink"

Yes. Tenth Doctor is awesome, and likes to explain things at top speed to make innocent bystanders even more confused. The explanation doesn't help Billy Shipton to know what has happened to him, nor should it. As Martha says, "Trust me, just nod when he stops for breath." As a motivational poster that image doesn't make much sense, but then I suppose the best ones are that way. Timey-Wimey Detector isn't really an abstract noun, like other motivational posters, but it "sortof works." Still, unlike the "Monologuing" poster I found it's "not even a proper word. You're just saying things," Squiggy! Yeah. What was I saying about boring blogs?

By the way, that was one of the titles that I considered for this thing, "You're Just Saying Things." "Big Yellow Truck" was my first choice, but it was already taken, as was "I Create Myself" and "Bananas Are Good." I also considered "Who'd Have Sonic?" "The Turn of the Universe," and "Storm In His Wake." Those three were available, but--excepting the first--they're all rather melodramatic.

This has been my first foray into blogging. I will no doubt start a revolution in bloggyness, and will "change what it means to [blog]." As you may have noticed, I think I will be using this as a place to make as many Doctor Who references as possible, just so I can get them out of my system. I don't think I'll give many explanations, either.

Wow. I didn't realize how much I had written here until I did the preview. Way to waste half an hour! Over and out.

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