"When a full-scale war is engaged by the evil Scarran Empire, the Peacekeeper Alliance has but one hope: reassemble human astronaut John Crichton, once sucked into the Peacekeeper galaxy through a wormhole. Crichton's task: Get the entire Peacekeeper race to safety before the last war of an era brings and end to the universe."
Let's go over just how wrong this is, shall we?
"When a full-scale war is engaged by the evil Scarran Empire"
OK. To start off, the war was technically started by Scorpius (a Peacekeeper). Granted, it was a preemptive strike in an inevitable war, but still. Also, "evil Scarran Empire?" They're not exactly fuzzy, but "evil?" whatever.
"the Peacekeeper Alliance has but one hope: reassemble human astronaut John Crichton"
Yeah. The "Peacekeeper Alliance?" It's obviously meant to evoke Evil Empire vs. Rebel Alliance, which is lame. The Peacekeepers are usually just as bad as the Scarrans. Moving on, their "one hope" is to reassemble John? OK, I'll grant that John is the one hope of ending the conflict, but they don't reassemble him, nor do they know that he needs reassembling, or where he is.
"once sucked into the Peacekeeper galaxy through a wormhole"
Dude. He never left the Milky Way. Granted, he initially had no idea where he was at first, but he's known that he's in the same galaxy since the end of season 3, and in case we'd forgotten that the Eidelons confirm that fact in the miniseries. Also, what makes it the Peacekeeper galaxy?
"Crichton's task: Get the entire Peacekeeper race to safety"
*Weeps* I suppose it's too confusing to mention four species in this summary? Scarrans, Peacekeepers (not that that's a species), humans, and Eidelons. Eidelons are not Peacekeepers. At most Eidelons could be called Peacemakers. Eidelons created Peacekeepers. Peacekeepers used to work for Eidelons. Not the same people. Again with the making Peacekeeprs sound like the goodguys. Also, John never is charged with getting "the entire [Eidelon] race to safety." Jothee does some mass transport, but not John. At most Moya only ever has something like 20 Eidelons on board.
Here's an Eidelon:

"Only an idiot [confuses Sebatians and Eidalons]. Shame on you[, authors]!"
"the last war of an era"
I have no issue with "the last war of an era." That's maybe the only accurate part of this summary, as its a paraphrase from the movie. They might have gotten it from watching oh, the first seven minutes of the film? I'm not very impressed.
"brings and end to the universe"
Now this I must take issue with. First of all, the war might have destroyed the galaxy, but certainly not the entire universe. Second, it's not really the war that would destroy the galaxy, but John's wormhole weapon, which he builds and he fires. He threatens to let it destroy the galaxy if the Scarrans and Peacekeepers agree to stop fighting.
Final tally: The-authors-of-this-summary-are-morons: 8. They-were-paying-some-attention: 1. Wow. I guess they were morons.
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