Thursday, May 14, 2009

Star Trek review III, etc

I went to see the movie again this evening. My father isn't really the commenting-constantly-on-the-movie type, so I kinda missed that, but it was still fun. I of course noticed several things that I missed in the last viewing. For instance, I saw the tribble! Yay! Also, Admiral Archer (once Captain) was mentioned! Yay!Oh rats. I forgot to keep an eye out for the number 47. Oh well. Next time. I think I'll have to listen to the soundtrack a bunch more times between now and then. That might be difficult, though, since Alec and I've been watching Farscape all day most of the week. We're several episodes into season 3. We've been keeping an eye out for recruitment episodes, so he can indoctrinate his friends into the Cult of Farscape. He's already managed to get most of them hooked on Firefly, but that's fairly easy. Enjoying Farscape requires a healthy appreciation for the weird. Most of my favorite episodes are also some of the most insane, so they don't make very good material for easing people into the show's awesome weirdness.

The best bet so far is the "Liars, Guns and Money" trilogy. Since it's a trilogy it might be a bit long, but it's also one of the awesomest stories in the series. It also happens to be what passes for a clip show in this series. That's a bonus in this case, because it's only a clip show in the sense that it combines things from the previous seasons and makes them into a bank heist. Explosions! Trickery! Disguises! Long-lost relatives! Mind control! Scorpius!

Ooh! While looking for a picture, I stumbled upon this (again): A complete list of characters in Farscape, including hallucinations and disguises!
I'm putting it here for future reference. Here's a scene from "Liars, Guns and Money Part I: A Not So Simple Plan" (the first episode):

Incidentally, for that last line John is quoting Scorpius, almost verbatim.

Yeah, so this isn't really another review of Star Trek. What can I say? That's what happens when I leave a post in draft form for half a week without finishing it. The post may say that I put it up on May 14, but it's actually the 18th.

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