We don't have any plans for today except to go to the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. We're going to have to get there about an hour and a half early to ensure that we get seats, so it takes up a good chunk of our time. It's in Hollywood, so we might spend some time after that driving around and looking at the sights
In other news, Eleventh Doctor wears a bow tie! (awesome)
Here he is with his bow tie (note his resemblance to a "science geek." Hello, Tish!):

Here's one with his new Companion (note his boots, which look like they might be good for leaping about on unstable terrain as opposed to Tenth's hightops which were better suited for running on pavement):

Here he is with his newly redecorated TARDIS, which resembles First Doctor's:

Here's a picture of Eleventh Doctor, his Companion, and the TARDIS:

And finally, here's a picture of the Doctor and River Song (she's back!):

And finally, upon request (sortof) here is the clip from "Blink' in which the Doctor shows us his Timey-Wimey detector, which Goes Ding When There's Stuff.
Coincidentally, Happy Lunar Landing day!
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