Saturday, July 25, 2009

ComicCon: Saturday

Again, I scarcely remember what happened this afternoon, let alone this morning. I got up at 6:30 to get ready to go, with the goal of getting the others up by 7:00. I missed the mark (at least in Alec's case) by about 15 minutes. Oh well. We used an alternate route to get there, so we still got there in time to get ok seats. Better than the ones we had for other stuff, actually*, but not the best we've had (we got a bit spoiled the first night*). The first panel that we lined up for was Chuck. They opened the panel with a performance of "Jeffster," the "band" from the show which consists of the characters Jeff and Lester. They actually weren't all that bad. While they were still performing (Lester sings and Jeff plays a keytar) the rest of the panel came out. At this point the crowd (who had already been cheering constantly) gave a standing ovation. Granted, a good half of the standing people were doing so in order to get a better picture of the panelist, and much of the rest stood so that they could see the stage, which had been blocked by the other standing people, but it was impressive nonetheless. Part of the reason for the loud cheering was due to the fact that the show had been canceled, but brought back thanks to fan campaigns. There was a running quasi-joke through the whole panel that the writers have no idea where they’re going to take the show next, having been convinced that there was absolutely no chance that the show would be renewed for another season. Whenever someone from the audience asked a question that contained a good idea, one of the writers would say “good idea!” and write it down. The panel included a short video in which the writers find out that the show has been renewed, and begin weeping the phrase “I know kung fu? I know kung fu?!”

The panel had the entire main cast, including Adam Baldwin! They were all very funny. At one point someone from the audience asked if they would be making Chuck action figures, and many of the cast expressed their enthusiasm, until Adam Baldwin said, casually, “I need another one.” Zach Levi exclaimed that he would use his action figure to grind it in Jayne’s face. He pretended to hold two action figures, pounding one into the other, and said “what now, Jayne! What now!” repeatedly. It was highly amusing, particularly to Adam Baldwin.

The Futurama panel was a little later in Ballroom 20, so we had to wait through Family Guy and The Cleveland Show. The second show is a spinoff of Family Guy, and it’s even more stupid utterly humorless than Family Guy. The only good thing about it was that we got to see Seth Green, who is a castmember. Oh, and another castmember who was on That 70’s Show.

Unfortunately, the cast of Futurama wasn’t there, because they’re in negotiations with FOX or something. The writers were there though, including Matt Groening. As Alec later said, it was slightly disappointing that the cast wasn’t there, but it was gratifying to see how truly nerdy the writers all are.

After that we went back to the floor, this time staying together for a while. There were a lot more things for sale on this day, since it was the day before closing. It was also the day with by far the most people, partially because it is the day of the Masquerade. Also because of that there were a lot more people in costume (including me). Ari didn’t end up wearing her Lethifold costume because she was so badly sunburned from the day before and didn’t want swaths of fabric on her skin. Anyway, the reason her sunburn was so bad was because she was wearing her BSG costume, which involves two tanktops, so her shoulders were bare. I made everyone late because my costume took longer to assemble than I anticipated. Silly me. As we left Ballroom 20 some people asked to take my picture professionally, apparently for an iPhone ap. They said that they would send me the pictures in a couple of weeks. I hope they do, since those are the only pictures that I got of my costume.

Ari found an action figure of Dark Willow from Buffy, and when we got back to the cousins’ Ari took her out of the package and I took out my Donna. Ari made Willow attack me by eating my arm (“Nom nom nom!”). We went to dinner (since the Schumachers weren’t there), and Alec wouldn’t let us take Willow and Donna with us. Awww… After dinner we went to the market to pick up some food for Sunday, and Alec and I had fun embarrassing Ari by doing things like dancing with bags of fishy crackers and apples.

*Ari said these phrases. She was looking over my shoulder while I wrote.

This is Donna and Willow (mainly Willow) jumping on the keyboard:

hello my name is lethifold. nuh uh. i' n b bv eoyittokioioieorioioiioiiiiih
eyyyyy!! ! !!!!1 SMITE!

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