Um... yes.
We tried to get up earlier this morning, hoping that we might get a better place in the line to get to the floor. We got to the BBC America line just in time to wait a couple of minutes and then be told that they were out of Doctor Who bags. It was sad. After that we split up: Alec and I dashed up up to the Farscape panel and Ari went down to Ballroom 20 so she could get a seat for the Caprica panel.
The Farscape panel was for the 10th anniversary of Farscape. Amazing. it was moderated by the guy who writes the scripts for the comics, and had one of the original writers, Brian Henson, aaaand Claudia Black and Ben Browder! Surprisingly, Brian Henson was the talkyest, while Claudia Black and Ben Browder mostly just spoke when they were asked a direct question. Oddly, Virginia Hey was not there. In fact, she wasn't even mentioned, dispite the fact that she was there all four days doing autographs. After that Alec and I went down to the booth where they were selling Farscape comics and got all of the published comics that continue the story after Peacekeeper Wars, and got them signed by the author.
We got covers for the comics, and then wandered the floor for a while. We were passing by a booth when Alec pointed out someone sitting at the table. "What?" I said, not seeing who he was pointing at. "It's Jack," Alec responded, and I saw that yes, it was indeed John Barrowman! Alec very generously got me a big limited-edition photograph and tickets for an autograph for my birthday! And Alec took a picture of me and John Barrowman! (yes, that's three sentences ending with an exclamation point).

We went back up to Ballroom 20, but found that there was no way that we would be getting in to see Joss Whedon that afternoon. The hall was already full to capacity. Unfortunately, due to a miscommunication, Ari came out of the hall to meet us, like we had originally planned, instead of staying in there to keep her seat. After mediocre pizza for lunch we decided to go to see Peter Jackson instead. He was to be appearing in a panel that afternoon in Hall H, which is the biggest hall. The line for Hall H is mostly outside, which was unpleasant because we had foolishly not put sunscreen on that morning, not anticipating that we would need it. Sitting outside in the burning sun for about two hours gave us all sunburns. Ari was particularly affected. Her shoulders are just shy of lobster red. The burns on our arms have an interesting pattern because we were reading most of that time. Alec and Ari mostly avoided getting burned on their faces because they draped their bags over their heads, but my bag was ill suited for such a purpose, since it had stuff in it. Oh well.
When we did eventually get into the hall it was during the middle of a panel on the animated film 9. The panelists included Tim Burton, who was the exec producer, Elijah Wood, who is starring as the titular character, and Jennifer Connelly, who is also starring. Apparently the movie is an expansion of a short by the director. It appears to be about a group of little creature-things that were created to help put the world back together after it has been destroyed.
The next panel was for Legion. In it, God apparently decides that He is tired of humans, so he sics his angels on them. Humanity's only hope is a pregnant woman in a diner in the middle of nowhere. The angel Michael comes to help defend her and her baby. Basically, the movie is about angels with machine guns. The panel included Paul Bettany (who plays Michael), Tyrese Gibson, and Doug Jones. Oddly, two of the cast have appeared in Fast and the Furious movies (Tyrese Gibson and another guy, Lucas Black). I'm not sure what that says about the quality of the movie, but whatever. It seems like it could be good. Reserving judgement.
Finally, Peter Jackson came up to present District 9, which he produced. It's a low-budget quasi-documentary set in South Africa. A damaged alien spaceship has arrived on Earth, and its crew have become refugees in Johannesberg. The human government decides that the best way to protect humans is to relocate all the aliens into internment camps. They object. It looks cool.
After that we went back to the floor. We found three booths in a row that sold nothing but Doctor Who stuff, and most of it was action figures. Plus, Colin Baker (Sixth Doctor) was there. Sadly, I didn't have anything for him to sign, but we did talk to him a little. Ari and Alec both gave up on me and left to do more interesting things than watch me hover over the piles of action figures.
Ari and I got Chuck bags and wandered around some more, and then we decided to go home relatively early. Of course, that didn't stop me from staying up 'till about 1:00 finishing my leaf headdress. Oh well. I'll sleep when we get home.
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